Alsjeblieft: Wat verzamelde artikelen over Lotus birth; oftewel over het niet doorknippen van de navelstreng. Het begint met een stukje tekst uit mijn studieboeken. Dan wat Nederlandstalige blogs en vervolgens een informatief filmpje van YouTube. Er is natuurlijk veel meer over te vinden op het www, maar ik denk dat dit voldoende informatie geeft om er mee aan de slag te kunnen gaan. 
Weet in ieder geval dat dit, mits onder de hieronder beschreven voorwaarden, is te combineren met placentaverwerking, zoals beschreven op deze site

Lotus birth

“In many faiths throughout history, the Trinity is sacred. The ancient mother religions honored the three stages of female life: Maiden, Mother and Crone. The Christian religion blesses the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ­ three divine persons in one divine substance. The ancient Greeks revered the Graces: Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne, daughters of Zeus, known as the Charities. They were believed to personify and bestow charm, grace, and beauty.Hindus worship Brahma the creator, Vishnu the protector and Shiva the destroyer. Their Hindu female counterparts are Lakshmi, Parvati and Kali. Perhaps the Trinity is so deeply ingrained in our consciousness because we humans begin life as a triad being: baby, cord and placenta, the trinity of our sacred roots.”
Ibu Robin Lim: Placenta, The Forgotten Chakra

Supplies Needed:
­Thick cut salt such as Himalayan or Sea Salt ­
Muslin cloth or a hemp prefold
­Large bowl with holes
Once the placenta is born and has been given proper time to finish its job with baby, the placenta is washed and the salt is rubbed into the maternal and fetal side of the placenta. Make sure to get salt into all of the cotyledons and lakes. You may notice that the placenta immediately dissolves the salt. Put more salt on until you can consistently see a powdered layer.
The placenta is then turned back over, fetal side up and placed in a cloth diaper or towel and then in a woven basket. It is very important that the container have holes throughout to allow air passage, especially on the bottom. The placenta casing will need to be changed every few hours as it soaks up the placenta moisture encouraging drying. The placenta will need to be salted 2­3times a day for consumption. You can add dried herbs such as cardamom, lavender, chamomile and nutmeg to the salt. Do not add goldenseal to the entire placenta if the mother plans to consume.
The placenta needs to be kept very close to baby and baby needs to be handled very carefully as to not pull on the drying cord. It can take 3­9 days for the separation to be completed. The salt preserves the placenta and it can actually be heated, dehydrated and put into capsules. You will need to check for rancid odor prior to preparing as well as washing off all salt. There is a 50/50 chance that the placenta will be safe for consumption.
Never directly ensure this to the mother. It is dependent on the amount of time it takes for separation, climate, temperature and how thoroughly and often they salt the placenta. Keeping the placenta on ice is an option, but this can only be done for 5 days before spoilage would take place. You also run the risk of coldness transferring to the baby, which is still attached to the chilled placenta.

Als cliënt van Jouw Placenta heb je recht op 10% korting op een schilderij van jouw prachtige baby!

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